TD 92679EN
22 November 2013 / Ver. G
Installation Guide
6. Demonstration Mode
Demonstration Mode
The Demonstration Mode can be set when the module is running in normal operation, either
via the product’s web interface or manually by using the Mode button.
Press and hold the Mode button for 10 seconds.
Demonstration Mode is indicated by the Status LED with slow flashing yellow light
and by the Mode button LED with fixed blue light
The module will automatically return to the previous license and parameters (without
restart) after 2 hours.
Exiting before the 2 hours have passed, is done from the product’s web interface, refer to
the product documentation. Restarting the Demonstration Mode after exiting, can be done
from the product’s web interface after a delay of 10 minutes, but an immediate restart can
be done by using the Mode button.