Provisioning testing and audit integrates the provisioning proto-
cols for IT systems, service platforms, and network nodes in order
to know the status of a customer
Every test case is integrated with the Supervision Management
Centre which is in charge of issue management
Some examples of Monitor Master’s ability to diagnose and trouble-
shoot network related issues:
Top Deck: Monitor Master was able to discover an issue with con-
tent control, which was then corrected in a timely manner.
VF live (MP3 download): Monitor Master was able to discover MP3
download related issues that Vodafone Spain could then correct
and minimize network downtime.
DSL Provisioning Testing: Monitor Master was able to identify dur-
ing provisioning testing on pre-launch DSL services an issue with
data translation that was then corrected, preventing customers
from experiencing call routing problems.
Some examples of Monitor Master’s ability to adapt to specific cus-
tomer needs:
VF live
: When Vodafone launched their WAP portal, they integrated
the content download to allow customers to use their handsets to play
games, music, etc. They tried to supervise VF live services with their current
solution but in the end they chosed to implement it with Monitor Master.
Roaming testing
: After trying a couple of other solutions, Vodafone
implemented Monitor Master for roaming testing in order to test their
service from the customer’s point of view. Their previous solutions had only
been able to test the services from a technological perspective, providing
no insight into the customer’s experience.
monitor master is used by over 100 opera-
tors world-wide as well as regulators and major
content providers, with systems ranging from
a single probe to large-scale deployments with
over 460 distributed probes. monitor master‘s
unique customization capability is one of the
key factors explaining why so many have cho-
sen monitor master.
monitor master is undoubtedly a safe in-
vestment, with native support for all basic and
complex test scenarios as well as the ability
for users to develop unique testing scenarios,
fast and easily without further investment
or product changes. monitor master is a cost-
effective solution which can test what you
want, when you want it – always able to adapt
to your current testing requirements.
ascom is the market leader within Quality
of service testing, benchmarking, and optimi-
zation, with product solutions such as Qvoice
for drive testing and benchmarking and tems
for optimization. Box office is used to display
data from all products providing a unique um-
brella solution for all your long-term trend
analysis requirements.