MAX 4000 Series Hardware Installation Guide
Preliminary November 4, 1998
DC power source on the MAX 4000 and the Redundant MAX 4000.......... 1-2
ISDN BRI network-interface or terminal-interface card .............................. 1-4
Multiband inverse-multiplexing two-port card............................................. 1-4
Inserting an expansion card into a MAX slot ............................................... 2-3
Dimensions of the single power supply unit................................................. 2-5
Dimensions of the redundant power supply unit .......................................... 2-5
Location of the LEDs on the Redundant MAX .......................................... 2-11
Ethernet interface LEDs on MAX back-panel............................................ 2-12
Incoming call routing using inband signaling and hunt groups.................... 3-3
Incoming call routing using ISDN signaling and hunt groups ..................... 3-4
Testing the WAN by dialing into and out from the MAX.......................... 3-23
Incoming call routing using R2 signaling and hunt groups........................ 3-26
Incoming call routing using ISDN signaling and hunt groups ................... 3-27
MAX E1 configuration interface ................................................................ 3-31
Testing the WAN by dialing into and out from the MAX.......................... 3-46
MAX 4000 Series configuration menus ....................................................... 4-2
Slot and port numbering in the MAX 4000 series ........................................ 4-9
Control-monitor and MIF palmtop port and cable ....................................... C-3
RJ-48C/RJ-48C straight-through cable specifications.................................. C-8
RJ-48C/DA-15 straight-through cable.......................................................... C-9
RJ-48C/Bantam straight-through cable ...................................................... C-11
RJ-48C/RJ-48C crossover cable ................................................................. C-14
RJ-48C/RJ-48C straight-through cable specifications................................ C-15