STEEL BAR UM7id OK.FH11 Mon Jul 27 17:59:56 2009 Página 11
This will remove residue and balance
the temperature to create optimum wor
king conditions.
3-. Fill the coffee filter basket (1 or two
coffees according to requirements),
The filter must be filled to 3/4 of its
capacity, once pressed.(see picture )
4.- Clean off the remains of coffee that
have been deposited on the edges of
the filter basket so that it fits perfectly.
5-. Place the filter holder into the group
starting from the left and turning towards
the right with enough pressure at the
end. (see picture)
6-. Put the cups or cup on the grille and
switch on the coffee switch
(large) -XL (Non-stop)
It takes 20/25 seconds to make an es
presso perfectly
Points 1 and 2 as in the section on
ground coffee.
Place the pod in the filter holder and
turn it gently to the right as far as it will
go. Do not exert force. Close gently.(see
picture )
Point 6 and notes as in the section on
ground coffee.
: Do not remove or turn
the filter holder while the water is passing
through as the appliance is at low pres
sure at this moment.
. The filter holder should always be pla
ced in the machine so that it remains
warm. Closed position.
2. Place the cups on the cup warmer
The right temperature (optimum
40ºC/105ºF) will improve the espresso
3. Coffee will continue to drip from the
spouts for a moment after the coffee
swich is turned off.
Important: Tamped
The best espresso result are obtained
when the ground coffee is firmly tamped.
6 .
Preparation of cappuccino
Espresso base : 25 ml espresso co
ffee.Textured (frothed) & heated (ste
Milk : 125 ml cold and fresh milk ( 3-4
ºC).When you heat your milk for a ca
ppuccino it will be about: 55"C.Milk must
be fresh with fat at 3,2-3,5 %. Fill the
milk (only the right size por one cup.).
You must use a stainless steel jug .Fill
1/3 with milk
Creme : White color with brown border
produced by the espresso base. The
ideal density its uniform without bubbles.
Preparation : The manometer
1,2/1,5 bar
. The boilerwill be
ready to serve steam and hot water (2o
minutes, aprox).
1) TEXTURE : making creme (Frothed
The milk texture that you need is descri
bed as velvet. Insert steam nozzle
into the centre milk just below the surface
of the milk. .
Open steam valve.
Steam will come out of the nozzle and
froth the milk. We change the angle
slowly between the surface until you
create a whirlpool effect ( air circulation).
Once textured, the milk volume will in
crease (double size). Please , lift the jug
progressively to make sure that the
steam nozzle is always right below the
surface of the milk. Once textured, the
milk volume will increase. After the tex
tured /frothed process, the milk is textu
red but is cold.
2) TEMPERATURE : Heating milk (ste
amed milk)
Once you have the milk texture correct
( velvet effect), lower the steam wand
into the milk and complete the heating
step.Submerge nozzle (going sidewise)
and keep it in that position finishing
heating milk with circulating movements
until the jug is too warm to touch or
reach the required temperature.
Attention :
For texturising you must work
below the milk surface. For heating, you
must work going to jug sidewise .