ARX Systems Pty Ltd, Australia; Phone: +61-3 9555 7859 Fax: +61-3 9555 6747
Front Panel
The Workstation shall be a single channel unit in
a steel chassis nine inches deep and tworack units
high, with an extruded aluminium front panel.
The EQ section shall have 30 smooth, well
damped centre grounding sliders on standard ISO
frequencies, from 25 Hz to 20 KHz. At the 0 point
each slider shall be grounded, and in effect re-
moved from the circuit.
The Anti Feedback section shall consist of an
onboard FBX Feedback Exterminator card, with
Reset switch, an Amber LED to indicate the on-
set of clipping, and an Active or Bypassed switch.
Additionally there shall be a rear panel switch for
changing the FBX filter width.
The Limiter Threshold shall be variable by a front
panel control, from 10dB to +10dB, with a Red
Limit LED to indicate Limiting taking place.
There shall be an overall Output level control, vari-
able from 25dB to +6dB and also an overall Ac-
tive or Bypass switch on the front panel. An LED
on the front panel shall indicate AC power being
applied. On the rear panel there shall also be an
audio ground lift switch.
The unit shall have electronically Balanced inputs
and outputs, on TRS jack and XLR type connec-
tors, with passive RFI filters and an Input imped-
ance of 40 Kohms. The Input headroom shall be
+20dB, and the frequency response shall be 20
Hz to 20 KHz, ±0.5dB.
The Output impedance shall be 300 ohms, and
the maximum Output level +20dB (+10dB FBX
in), with a Signal to Noise ratio of better than
98dB unweighted (-86dB FBX in). Total Harmonic
Distortion shall be 0.004% (0.02 FBX in) @ 0dB,
1 KHz.
AC Power shall be supplied via a removable mains
cable, connecting to an IEC connector with an in-
tegral fuse /voltage change switch on the rear
The unit shall be the ARX AFW-1 Anti Feedback
Specifications available on disk
©1997 ARX Systems Pty.Ltd. ACN 006 471 825. All rights reserved. ARX Systems® is a Registered Trade Mark. AFW-1and
Anti-Feedback Workstation are Trademarks of ARX Systems. FBX Feedback Exterminator is a Registered Trademark of Sabine,
Inc, and is the brand name of its line of automatic feedback controllers.
Your ARX dealer is:
Rear Panel
30 smooth, centre grounding sliders per
channel, on standard ISO frequencies
Reset control for Feedback Exterminator
Clip LED indicates imminent clipping, mon-
itored at all vital stages through the AFW-1
Balanced Input and Output TRS sockets. Tip
+ HOT, Ring COLD, Sleeve GROUND
Balanced Input and Output XLR connectors.
Pin 2 + HOT, Pin 3 COLD, Pin 1 GROUND
Active/Bypass switch for Feedback Extermi-
nator, Limiter and Output level controls
Limiter Threshold and Limit LED
Hardwire Active/Bypass switch for unit
Power LED indicates AFW-1 is connected to
AC power
Feedback Exterminator filter width switch
Audio Ground Lift switch
IEC 3 pin AC connector and integral
Our policy is one of continuous improvement,
and therefore designs may change without
notice. However, unless otherwise stated, spec-
ifications will always equal or exceed those
previously given.
40 K Ohm Balanced
20 K Ohm Unbalanced
300 Ohm Balanced
150 Ohm Unbalanced
Nominal Operating Level
0 dB
Maximum Input Level
+20 dB
Maximum Output Level
+20 dB
EQ section only
+10 dB
FBX in
Signal to Noise Ratio
86 dB A Weighted
EQ section only
98 dB Unweighted
EQ section only
FBX in
measured@ 1 KHz, +4dB
Frequency Response
20 Hz to 20 KHz, ±0.5 dB
Equalizer Filters
30 x Constant Q on
standard ISO frequencies
FBX Filters
6 fixed, 3 dynamic
FBX Clip Indicator
Amber LED
FBX Filter Range
51Hz to 17 KHz
FBX Filter Width
1/5th or 1/10th octave
Switchable; refer manual
FBX Filter Depth
0dB to 40dB
FBX Filter Reset Time
4 seconds
Peak Limiter Threshold
Variable 10 dB to +10 dB
Limiter Status Metering
Red LED: Limiter Active
AC requirements
100120, 220240 VAC,
50-60Hz, 18 VA
482 x 88 x 230 mm
19W x 3½H x 9D
Architects and
Engineers Specifications