The modules in details
The Modular V can be broken down into 4 parts, from top to bottom, a section
containing sequencer and effects, a section dedicated to the sound
programming, a small extension where the external cables are regrouped
(velocity, after-touch, external signals...) and finally a section containing the
keyboard and different play settings.
Programming section
The programming section gathers all of the modules, which need to be
connected by cables. It is on this screen that the different connections (Patch)
needed for the programming of the sound will be made.
It is sometimes necessary to connect a module in the programming section to
a module in the sequencer section. To simplify connections between the 2
screens, the inputs and outputs of the sequencer section are grouped on a
small extension under the sound programming section.
The sound programming section contains:
Nine oscillators, grouped in threes, which can also be used as
modulation source.
Two low frequency oscillators dedicated to modulations.
Three filters.
Six envelopes dedicated to modulations.
Two envelopes dedicated to output amplifiers.
A dual trigger delay.
A noise generator and the associated filters.
1 ring modulator
4 envelope followers
2 sample and holds
1 frequency translators
1 formant filter
A set of amplifiers, which can be grouped to form mixers.
The number of spaces at the upper part of the section being inferior to the
number of modules, the choice is made through a menu. It is thus possible to
organize them at your convenience.
The oscillators, nine in total are regrouped in threes. Each group has a 921A
type controller and three 921B type slave oscillators.