Matrix-752 Hardware Guide
TTY (Serial) Ports
1 x RS-485 or RS-232 Port
1 x RS-232 Port
Direction Control (RS-485): Auto, by software
Connector: Terminal block
RS-485 Signal: Data+, Data-
RS-232 Signal: TX, RX
TTY (Serial) Port Parameters
Baud Rate: Up to 921.6Kbps
Parity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2
Flow Control: RTS / CTS, XON / XOFF, None
CAN Bus Ports
1 x CAN Bus 2.0 A/B compliant ports
Speed: Up to 1Mbps
Isolation: 2500Vrms
Digital Input
2 x Digital Input Channels
Isolation Protection: 2500Vrms (Photo Coupler)
Logical High: 5~24VDC
Logical Low: 0~1.5VDC
Digital Output
2 x Digital Output Channels (Solid State Relay)
Solid State Relay: Normal Open (NO) Type
Contact Rating: [email protected]
Console / Debug Ports
Serial console port
4PIN Box header (inside the box)