Aport-212 User Guide
1. Introduction
1.1 Features
Gateway of Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU/ASCII
Two Configurable RS-232/422/485 serial ports
Each serial port can be configured as Modbus Master or Modbus Slave mode
Each serial port supports up 16 Modbus TCP master
Each serial port supports up to 32 Modbus TCP slave
One 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports
One serial console port
Support Web configuration console
Windows configuration utility included
Support Telnet and serial console command
1.2 Specification
CPU: 32-bit microcontroller
Serial port:
Port1: RS-232/422/485
Port2: RS-232/485
Baud rate: 1200 to 921600bps
Flow control: None/Hardware/Xon_Xoff
Data bit: 5 to 8
Stop bit: 1 to 2
Operation mode:
Modbus Gateway:
Slave RTU
Master RTU
Master ASCII
S2E Gateway
TCP server
TCP client
Protection: 15KV ESD
10/100 Mbps, RJ45
Protection: 1500V Magnetic isolation
Serial console port:
RS-232: 115200 baud rate, None flow control, 8 bits data, 1 stop bit
9~40VDC power jack and terminal block
108 x 78 x 25 mm (H x W x D)