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Remotely Control ScanDo HD
Remotely Control ScanDo HD
Managing Multiple ScanDo HDs
As your family of ScanDo HDs grows, it can become difficult to remember all of
their IP addresses . However, your IT Department may be able to help by assigning
a DNS Record for each of your ScanDo HDs .
DNS, or Domain Name System, allows you to resolve to an IP address using simple
names . For example, the ScanDo HD website, scandohd .tv, points to or resolves
to 72 .3 .176 .163 . Without DNS, you would have to enter in the IP address of our
server to view our website . With Domain Name Servers, we can assign the IP
address an alias or name, in this case, scandohd .tv .
This same technology can be applied to your ScanDo HD units .
This allows you to create meaningful and memorable names for each
of your ScanDo HDs .
Example for XYZ Studios:
ScanDo HD IP Address
ScanDo HD DNS Address
192 .168 .110 .35
Studio A
sdhd_a1 .xyzstudios .com
Floor 1
192 .168 .109 .97
Studio B
sdhd_b2 .xyzstudios .com
Floor 2
192 .168 .1 .119
Production sdhd_prod12 .xyzstudios .com
Suite 12
252 .196 .18 .65 Asia asia .prod .xyzstudios .com
Ask your IT department today about Domain Name Services and how they can
help you to simplify the management of your network hardware .