Page 24
Remotely Control ScanDo HD
Remotely Control ScanDo HD
Control via Ethernet
Upgrading ScanDo HDs
Firmware and GUI
ScanDo HD is designed to be upgradable in the field . The upgrade process is easy
and intuitive . Simply follow these steps:
Connect to ScanDo HD .
To upgrade the ScanDo HDs Firmware and GUI, you need to connect to the
ScanDo HD via Ethernet . See page 15 of this manual for instructions on connecting
to the GUI .
Click “Check for Updates”
Once you are connected to ScanDo HD, you can search for the latest updates
by clicking on “Check for Updates” .
A new window will appear and you will be redirected to scandohd .tv/myscando
If no window appears, you may need to disable pop-up blocking
in your browsers preferences .
Log In .
If you have previously registered, or you have completed the registration process,
you can log in and download your ScanDo HD updates .
If you have not registered, you can register by completing the simple form
presented to you at this time .
Download and Extract the Update(s)
Download your desired updates to your local computer .
It is recommended that you store your updates on your local computer and not a
network drive to ensure stability during the update process .
Return to ScanDo HDs GUI and click
“Upgrade Firmware” or “Upgrade GUI”
After downloading and extracting the updates, return to the ScanDo HD GUI .
If you wish to upgrade your firmware, click “Upgrade Firmware” .
If you wish to upgrade your GUI, click “Update GUI” .
Note: It is recommended that you update the firmware before updating the GUI .
A dialog box will appear asking you to select the update that you wish to install .
Select your desired update .
Select your update and click OK . The update process will begin .
When a firmware update is complete, you must power off your
ScanDo HD for ten seconds .
When a GUI update is complete, you must quit and restart your web browser
to continue normal operation .
Never power off or disconnect
your ScanDo HD, or try to abort
a firmware/GUI upgrade by
powering off your computer or
closing your browser while an
upgrade is in progress .
ScanDo HD is backwards
compatible . If you installed an
update that you didn’t intend,
allow the update to complete
following all procedures outlined
herein and then repeat the
upgrade process with the correct
update .
You can review and download
ScanDo HD updates at
scandohd .tv
It is recommended that you
update your firmware prior to
updating your GUI .
In some cases, firmware upgrades
may erase your presets . Please
review the firmware’s release
notes prior to installation .