Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
No-Export — The route must stay local to the AS.
No-Advertise — The route must stay local to the router.
No-Export-Subconfed — The route must stay local to a sub-AS.
Extended Communities — Needed for route targets on VPN-IPv4 routes.
MP-(Un)Reach-NLRI — Multi-protocol attribute needed for carrying VPN-IPv4 routes.
Capabilities — Used to advertise capabilities of the router. Needed for route refresh and VPN extensions.
Route Redistribution CLI Commands
The C4/c CMTS supports route redistribution between all protocols with filtering (see
(page 537)) based
on distribute-lists. For more information on these CLI commands see the Command Line Descriptions.
RIP Redistribution Commands
The CLI supports the following RIP redistribute commands:
configure router rip [vrf <name>] redistribute bgp [metric <int>] [no]
configure router rip [vrf <name>] redistribute connected [metric <int>] [no]
configure router rip [vrf <name>] redistribute isis [<level1 | level-2 | level-1-2>] [metric <int>]
configure router rip [vrf <name>] redistribute ospf [match <internal | external1 | external2>]
[metric <int>] [no]
configure router rip [vrf <name>] redistribute static [metric <int>] [no]
OSPF Redistribution Commands
The C4/c CMTS CLI supports the redistribution of static, connected, RIP, BGP, and IS-IS routes using the following OSPF
redistribute commands:
configure router ospf [vrf <VRF>] redistribute bgp [metric {<0-16777215> | transparent}] [metric-
type <1 | 2>] [tag <1-4294967295>] [no]
configure router ospf [vrf <VRF>] redistribute connected [metric {<0-16777215> | transparent}]
[metric-type <1 | 2>] [tag <1-4294967295>] [no]
configure router ospf [vrf <VRF>] redistribute isis [{level1 | level-2 | level-1-2}] [metric <0-
16777215>] [tag <1-4294967295>] [no]
configure router ospf [vrf <VRF>] redistribute rip [metric {<0-16777215> | transparent}] [metric-
type <1 | 2>] [tag <1-4294967295>] [no]
configure router ospf [vrf <VRF>] redistribute static [metric {<0-16777215> } transparent}] [metric-
type <1 | 2>] [tag <1-4294967295] [no]