Routine Maintenance
To preserve the life and efficient operation of the equipment it is important that the
equipment is properly maintained. Regular maintenance of the equipment is the
responsibility of the end user and must be performed by qualified personnel who
understand the operation of the equipment.
In addition to regular maintenance the following notes should be observed:
1. When not in use the Hydraulics Bench should be disconnected from the
electricity supply.
2. The bench should be disconnected from the electricity supply during all
maintenance operations.
3. After use, all accessories should be removed from the bench, drained of
water and cleaned thoroughly.
4. If the bench is not to be used for any period of time all water should be
drained via the drain valve in the front wall of the sump tank. A sponge may
be used to remove any remaining water from the bench top flow channel and
volumetric tank.
5. The bench mouldings should be cleaned regularly using a mild detergent or
cleaning agent suitable for use with plastics.
6. The water in the sump tank should be replaced at regular intervals.
When dye is used with appropriate accessories the water will require replacing
more frequently. It is suggested that the sump tank is flushed through several
times with clean water to remove any contamination. Any dye used must be
non-staining and safe for student use.
If necessary the moulded top can be removed to gain access to the
sump tank if cleaning is necessary. The top moulding should be lifted partially
and retained in this position using suitable supports. The flexible connections
between the pump/bench top inlet and sight tube/tapping at the base of the
volumetric tank should be disconnected. The top moulding can then be lifted
clear of the bottom moulding.
Reassembly is the reverse of the above procedure.
The centrifugal pump is located in a recess below the sump tank. The pump
should not normally require any maintenance. However, if access to the pump
is required then the sump tank should be drained, the top should be removed
as described above then the lower moulding should be tipped over onto one
side on to a large piece of cardboard or similar to protect the moulding from