For all Sales and Service enquiries
Phone (03) 9727 8860 Fax 1300 360 650
© This instruction leaflet is subject to copyright and must not be reproduced,
copied or otherwise used in any way or for any purpose without the consent
in writing of the owner, Arlec Australia limited (A.C.N. 003 118 787).
Arlec guarantees this product against defects
of materials and workmanship for a period of
12 months from the date of purchase provided
that the product is used in accordance with
Arlec’s recommendations and within such
voltage and current limits as are specified by
Arlec in relation to the product. Arlec will at its
own option make good, replace with the same
or similar product, or provide credit for any
product manufactured or supplied by it, which
proves to be defective within the limits set out
above provided always that no repairs,
alterations or modifications to the product have
been undertaken or attempted, other than by
the company or its authorised agents. Should
the purchaser wish to make a claim under the
guarantee, the product should be returned pre-
paid to the place of purchase.
To obtain warranty the purchase receipt must
be returned with the product. This guarantee is
in addition to and does not take away from any
rights available to the consumer under the Trade
Practices Act and the State consumer protection
*Guarantee excludes globe.
Proof of Purchase
Please retain your receipt for all service or
warranty claims.
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