5-9. Buzzer
Beep tones serve as an indication of operation status. One short beep signifies a Good Read within a
Scan Session; 3 short beeps warn of an error.
5-9-1. Beep Tone
Figure 5-18
Sets the beep volume or disables beeping.
Configuration Method:
Choose one, then click
to transfer the parameter setting to
the AS10.
Default setting: Medium
5-9-2. Beep Time
Figure 5-19
Sets the beep length for the short beep used to signify a Good
Configuration Method:
Choose a value between 50 ~ 500 ms, using 10 ms intervals.
When confirmed, click
to transfer the parameter value to
the AS10.
Default setting: 150 ms
5-10. Vibrator
Sets whether to activate the Vibrator, which may be used to signify a Good Read during a Scan Session.
Figure 5-20
Configuration Method:
Choose one of the options, then click
to transfer the
parameter setting to the AS10.
Default setting: Disable (deactivated)
The duration of vibration is fixed at 200 ms.