The module also can be operated in a stand-alone mode (without being sup-
plied from the USB-connector at a deactivated PC). In this case however, the
BS-750SD must be connected to an external power supply (5 up to 7.5 Volts,
minimal 500mA, e.g. a universal mains power adapter).
Optionally the BS-750SD allows you to insert a micro-SD memory card. If this
card is installed the module will also transfer all incoming data to the SD-card.
For each sensor and each month the system will generate data files contai
ning measurement data in plain-text format (csv). For further details please
study the section titled ‘SD card’.
The module signals its status by one green and one orange LED. The green
LED will shortly flash as soon as the BS-750SD receives a message from a
sensor. The orange LED will be activated as soon as data is recorded in the
internal data-flash memory, which also indicates a disconnected PC.
The orange indicator will be switched off as soon as the PC-connection has
been reactivated.
If an SD-card has been installed, a deactivated orange LED will shortly flash if
data is being transferred to the SD-CARD. An orange LED which already had
been activated because the PC-connection is missing, will shortly be interrup-
ted if data is being transferred to the SD-CARD.
Sensor data will be received at the 433MHz (ISM band) radio band. The
module has been equipped with an internal antenna for reception of the radio
signals. In order to enable an undisturbed and reliable radio transmission the
module must be installed at an optimal location by excluding deteriorating
conditions such as:
– metallic walls,
– armed concrete, (building) concrete with steel bars, mesh, etc.,
– armed glass, e.g. with a metallic mesh or grid
– other equipment operating in the range of a 433MHz radio-band
Radio interference may also cause a display of unknown sensors. Unexpected
sensor data may be suppressed by activating the sensor filter option in the