The
elevat
be
used
to
no
right
‐
h
cruise
and
until
the
a
Moving
th
down.
Thi
Moving
th
roll/turn
t
tor
trim
lev
o
help
keep
and
stick/e
d
maintain
airplane
flie
he
right
‐
han
s
will
roll/t
he
stick
to
t
the
airplane
ver
(typical
p
the
airpla
elevator
in
a
given
alt
es
as
level
a
nd
stick
to
turn
the
air
the
right
w
e
to
the
rig
lly
located
ane
from
cl
put.
For
ex
itude,
add
as
possible
the
left
wi
rplane
to
th
will
move
th
ght.
immediate
limbing
or
xample,
if
t
down
elev
e
and
maint
ill
move
the
he
left.
he
right
aile
ely
to
the
le
descending
he
airplane
vator
trim
b
tains
the
d
e
left
ailero
eron
up
and
eft
of
the
r
g
when
in
e
climbs
w
by
sliding
t
esired
altit
on
up
and
t
d
the
left
a
right
‐
hand
‘cruise
fligh
hen
attem
he
trim
lev
tude
at
cru
the
right
ai
aileron
dow
stick)
can
ht’
and
wit
pting
to
ver
upward
uise
speed.
ileron
wn.
This
wil
th
d
ll