KS-CC1 User Manual
Chapter 3 Video Manager
The KS-CC1 embedded Video Manager provides access to recordings produced by KS-CC1 itself and stored in the USB. The
video and Snapshot lists are in descending order by the time of occurrence.
Entering the Video Manager webpage via [Administrator][Online Director] by clicking the button; or log in Video Manager
from the initial login page with default username video and password video.
The Video Manager allows users to download, delete, and preview the recordings.
3.1 Video Management
3.1.1 Download the recording
3.1.3 Delete the recording
Select the recording and click to download. The recording packages will be downloaded to your computer including mp4
and dataset (with subtitles) file. These are typically saved to the default download location used by your browser.
You may delete recordings manually to free space of the local storage.
Select the recording and click to delete it. A message box will pop up for confirmation. Click Confirm to permanently
remove the recording. If the video list doesn’t update immediately, please refresh the web page to reload the list