CW-210 User Manual
www.arec.com User set
1. Authority :
Set the user type (the default administrator, User 1, User 2 optional)
2. User name:
Set the user name (Select User Administrator default admin; select a user1 default user1;
to select a user 2 default user2; user can modify their own)
3. Password:
Set a password(Select User Administrator default admin; select a user1 default user1; to
select a user 2 default user2; user can modify their own).
4. Confirm Password:
Confirm the input passwords are the same or not.
Click on the "Save" button to display the "Save successfully" message, then the set is to take effect.
Note: Please note the case-sensitivity of the user name and password.
Note: If login page by a common user’s name and password , one does not have configuration privileges but can only operate to preview,
playback, logout.