CI-21H/CI-21S User Manual
3. BG Tuning:
Set blue fine tuning, Only effective when white balance mode is manual (default 0, -10~10 optional)
4. Saturation:
Set the saturation (default 100%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120%, 130%, 140%, 150%, 160%,
170%, 180%, 190%, 200% optional).
5. Hue:
Set the chroma (default 7,0-14 optional).
6. AWB Sensitivity:
Sensitivity Auto white balance settings (default is high, medium, low optional).
7. Red Gain:
Set Red Gain. Only effective when white balance mode is manual (default 84, 0~255 optional)
8. Blue Gain:
Set Blue Gain. Only effective when white balance mode is manual (default 73, 0~255 optional)
1. Bright:
Set the brightness (default 3, 0-14 optional).
2. Contrast:
set the contrast (default 8, 0-14 optional).
3. Sharpness:
Sets the sharpness value (default 6, 0-15 optional).
4. Gamma:
Gamma value setting (default, 0.45, 0.50, 0.52, 0.55 optional).
5. DCI:
Set the dynamic contrast (default Off, 1-8 optional).
6. B&W Mode:
Set black and white mode (default color, B&W optional ).
7. DZoom:
digital zoom On/Off
(d) Image: This page include the following settings: