Arduino® MKR IoT Carrier
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Arduino® MKR IoT Carrier
Modified: 06/10/2022
Note: This board is passive and requires a MKR board to function.
Grove Connectors
Easy interface with wide range of Grove modules and sensors
2x analog sensor input
1x I2C interface
ST LSM6DS3 6-axis IMU Sensor
3-axis accelerometer 2/±4/±8/±16 g full scale
3-axis gyroscope 125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps (degrees per second)
I2C interface to Arduino MKR board
Low power consumption (0.55mA max)
Rounded 1.3” TFT Display
240 x 240 resolution
36 x 40 mm
ST HTS221 Humidity Sensor
Capacitive sensing
0-100% humidity sensing range
Humidity accuracy: ± 3.5% rH, 20 to +80% rH
Temperature accuracy: ± 0.5 °C,15 to +40 °C
I2C interface to Arduino MKR board
Low power consumption (2μA @ 1 Hz sampling rate)
Broadcom APDS-9660 RGB and Gesture Sensor
Ambient light and RGB Colour Sensing
Proximity Sensing
Gesture Detection
UV/IR Blocking Filter
I2C interface to Arduino MKR board
ST LPS22HBTR Pressure Sensor
260 to 1260 hPa (0.25 to 1.24 atm) absolute pressure range
I2C interface to Arduino MKR board