The History function is found in the main menu and is also started by the History key on the remote.
This function allows you to scroll through tracks you have previously played and replay them.
The track index is shown as a negative number - so minus one means the last track and minus two
means the track before that.
You scroll through the list of previous tracks by turning the main control knob or using the up down
keys on the remote.
The History will record tracks from the internal disk or the USB device but not tracks played from a
CD. Tracks are only recorded once in the history so if you replay a track don’t expect to see it appear
many times.
Browse albums - in the main menu - lets you scroll through the albums stored on the internal disk.
Albums are stored in the order you loaded them.
If you want to play the album press Play.
Press OK or push the main control knob to start the Album menu for more album related functions.