arcus-eds I
Arcus-EDS GmbH
Rigaer Str. 88, 10247 Berlin
e7 / Subject to change
Tel.: +49 / (0) 30 / 2593 3914
Fax: +49 / (0) 30 / 2593 3915
3,5“ TFT Colour Touch Display
Touch_IT V2
Arcus-EDS GmbH
Rigaer Str. 88 , 10247 Berlin
Tel.: +49 / (0)30 / 2593 3914
Fax.: +49 / (0)30 / 2593 3915
Subject to change
Editor: Arcus-EDS GmbH, Rigaer Str. 88, 10247 Berlin
Responsible for the contents: Hjalmar Hevers, Reinhard Pegelow
Reprinting in part or in whole is only permitted with the prior permission of Arcus-EDS GmbH.
All information is supplied without liability. Technical specifications and prices can be subject to change.
The choice of the devices and the assessment of their suitability for a specified purpose lie solely in the responsability of the
buyer. Arcus-EDS does not take any liability or warranty for their suitability. Product specifications in catalogues and data sheets
do not represent the assurance of certain properties, but derive from experience values and measurements. A liability of Arcus-
EDS for damages caused by incorrect operation/projecting or malfunction of devices is excluded. The operator/project developer
has to make sure that incorrect operation, planning errors and malfunctions cannot cause subsequent damages.
Safety Regulations
Attention! Installation and mounting must be carried out by a qualified electrician.
The buyer/operator of the facility has to make sure that all relevant safety regulations, issued by VDE, TÜV and the responsible
energy suppliers are respected. There is no warranty for defects and damages caused by improper use of the devices or by non-
compliance with the operating manuals.
We take over guarantees as required by law.
Please contact us if malfunctions occur. In this case, please send the device including a description of the error to the company's
address named below.
Registered Trademarks
The CE trademark is a curb market sign that exclusively directs to autorities and does not include any
assurance of product properties.
Registered trademark of the Konnex Association.