Onzen Technical Guide
1.8 Definitions of Terms
An all-natural, salt-water softening and maintenance system.
Onzen Output Electrode
Platinum-iridium Titanium electrode - equipped salt cell converts the saltwater
solution to sanitizer, and as this solution reverts back to its natural form (salt) after
sanitizing. Unless large volumes of water are added to the spa you never have to add
more salt.
Onzen Output Electrode Version Modification status of the electrode fitted to the spa.
Calcium Hardness (CH)
Calcium Hardness is a measure of the total amount of dissolved calcium salts in the
CH helps determine how scaling or corrosive the water is. It is believed that
calcium helps control the corrosive nature of water.
Calcium has two major problems in Hot Water Chemistry:
1. CH has a tendency to precipitate (fall out of suspension in high
2. High pH will cause calcium to precipitate. The problem with
calcium falling out of suspension is that it collects on the heater
and pump, and shortens their life. Any natural corrosiveness
in the water can be combated by maintaining a slightly higher
Total Alkalinity Level.
Alkalinity Total Alkalinity (TA)
A measure of how stable the pH is (a measure of the total levels of carbonates,
bicarbonates, hydroxides, and other alkaline substances in the water).
TA is referred to as the water’s “”pH buffer””. In other words, it’s a measure of the
ability of the water to resist changes in pH level.
If the TA is too low
, the pH level will fluctuate widely from high to low.
Fluctuations in pH can cause corrosion or scaling of the spa components.
Low TA
can be corrected by adding Arctic Pure, Perfect Balance to the spa water.
If the Total Alkalinity is too high
, the water will be more susceptible to scale and
high pH. High pH may be difficult to bring down. Note: Salt systems naturally
drive pH levels to increase.
High TA
can be lowered by adding Arctic Pure, Adjust Down to the spa water.
Once the TA is Balanced, it normally remains stable, although some sanitizers, and
the addition of more water with a high or low alkalinity will raise or lower the TA
reading of the water.