The end user is required to use this product only in conformity with its original purpose and is strictly forbidden to make any technical modifications that
could potentially impinge on the rights of third parties. Any modification to the hardware, software, or physical enclosure of the product must be approved
in writing by ARCHOS. Non approved modified products are subject to the withdrawal of any or all guarantee clauses.
As part of the contractual agreement of its products, ARCHOS is committed to ensure the availability of parts and components that are essential to the use
and proper working conditions of its products. This availability will be guaranteed for a period of two years, as of the first retail release for customers.
Copyright Notice
Copyright ARCHOS © 2010. All rights reserved.
This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form
without prior consent, in writing, from ARCHOS. All brands and products names are registered trademarks and the property of their respective owners.
Specifications are subject to change without notification. Errors and omissions accepted. Images and illustrations may not always match contents.
Disclaimer of warranty: to the extent allowed by applicable law, representations and warranties of non-infringement of copyrights or other intellectual
property rights resulting from the use of the product under conditions other than as here above specified, are hereby excluded.
This information is subject to be updated periodically. For technical and legal information concerning your product, please check the official ARCHOS web site.
Microsoft and Windows® 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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