Remove transport safety bolts
and rubber bushes by pulling
outwards. (A up/down action
and a small squirt of washing up
liquid should ease removal.)
The transport safety bolts must
be removed before any operation
of the machine. Bolt heads,
marked “C”.
Plastic plugs, supplied
inside the protective bag
and designated as “P”,
should be placed in the
safety bolt holes according
to the direction shown.
1. Removing transport safety bolts at the rear of the machine
“C”, should be turned in a
anti clockwise direction
until the bolt can be
partially withdrawn.
Please keep the safety bolts for future transportationand reinstate them before transporting your machine.
Never transport your machine without the transport bolts in position.
Never place your machine on a carpet. This prevents air circulation. The electrical components of the
machine may overheat and may cause damage.
D e t e r m i n i n g l o c a t i o n a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n
P a r t 6 :