User Guide - DA amplifiers
The DA amplifier series has an internal 4 x 4 mixing matrix. The Matrix page shows the internal matrix outputs and the matrix
inputs that are routed to them. It is possible to change the routing by clicking on one of the ‘INPUT’ labels and selecting a
new input from the list. These can be any of the four matrix inputs, or a mix of input channels 1 + 2, or channels 3 + 4.
Other routing and mixing configurations can be achieved from ArmoníaPlus. In such cases, the DA will display ‘CUSTOM’ in
the input label.
Source Select
The Source page shows what amplifier input sources are active in each of the 4 internal matrix inputs. These sources can be
any of the 4 amplifier analogue inputs, AES3, or Dante inputs. Manual selection of different sources, as well as configuration
of an automatic backup selection based on signal presence, can be achieved from ArmoníaPlus.
Snapshots are full amplifier configurations that can be saved onboard of the device, and later recalled when necessary.
In the Snapshots page, it is possible to load up to 50 different amplifier configurations that have been previously saved
onboard using ArmoníaPlus. To load a new snapshot to the amplifier, scroll through the list, select one of the snapshots
available, and click the ‘Load’ button at the bottom of the screen.
Out Config
The Out Config page allows quickly bridging the amplifier’s outputs 1 and 2, and/or outputs 3 and 4. Simply click the ‘Bridge’
button to perform the operation, and ‘Unbridge’ to revert to the default configuration.
When n-way loudspeaker presets have been load to n-speaker channels, a new button labelled ‘Split’ will show up in this
page. It is possible to split the ways for individual configuration and control by clicking this button.
Speaker Preset
From the Speaker Preset page, it is possible to load different loudspeaker presets to the amplifier’s outputs. To load a new
preset, click the gear icon , and scroll through the different families, models, and speaker applications. If the preset has been
successfully loaded to the output channel, its name will show in the Speaker Preset page.
Net Config
The Net Config page displays the settings for the amplifier control and Dante network configurations. To scroll between the
amplifier and Dante settings, use the arrows ►. Clicking the gear icon , in one of the two pages, opens the IP configurations,
from where it is possible to set the amplifier or the Dante network to Auto (default) or Static IP, and reset the network
configurations to the default settings.
Node Info
The Node Info page displays general amplifier information, such as its serial number, operating temperature and mains
voltage, firmware versions, and ethercon ports configuration.
From this page it is also possible to access some additional amplifier settings by clicking the gear icon . These settings are
as follows: Lock LCD – allows the user to set a password and subsequently locks the front panel display. When trying to
perform any operation, the user will be requested to insert the password to unlock the screen.
Remove Groups – removes the amplifier from all EQ groups that have been previously created using ArmoníaPlus. Group EQ
settings will be lost under this operation.
Factory Default – sets the amplifier to the factory default settings. Snapshots saved onboard are not deleted.
LCD Brightness – adjusts the brightness of the front panel display. Auto Fade – allows different screen on/off options, where
‘Always On’ never turns the screen off, ‘Auto Fade’ causes the screen to operate at lower brightness after 30s of not being
used, and ‘Auto Off’ causes the screen to automatically turn off after 30s of not being used. A simple touch to the screen
brings it back to its normal operation status.
Power OFF
From the Power Off page, it is possible to manually put the amplifier in standby mode by clicking the ‘Power OFF’ button.
Pushing and holding the rotary encoder for 4s also triggers the standby mode.
The power status LED (4) is green when the amplifier is ON and becomes red when the amplifier is in standby mode.
Once the amplifier is in standby, to turn it back on, simply touch the
screen or push the rotary encoder, and select ‘Power ON’.
FW Update
Amplifier and Dante firmware updates can be performed via ArmoníaPlus. During the firmware update, the display will show
the message ‘Updating Firmware’, and a status bar will show the progress through the various phases.