User Guide - DA amplifiers
The DA Series amplifiers offers two Ethercon ports supporting a total of 4-in and 4-out Dante/AES67 channels. Users can
configure the amplifier to operate at one of the following three modes: 2-in x 2-out (at 96kHz), 4-in x 4-out (at 48kHz - default),
4-in x 0-out (at 96kHz). This operation is done under the amplifier Dante settings in ArmoníaPlus.
A computer running the software application Dante Controller™ can be used to configure the Dante properties of DA Series
amplifiers, which are automatically discovered and displayed in Dante Controller™ with the default identifier: AMP-XXXXXX,
where ‘XXXXXX’ is the MAC address of the Dante interface.
Link Out Connectors
There are in total six Link Out connectors directly connected to the amplifier’s analogue and AES3 inputs.
The four Link Out connectors linked to inputs 1 to 4 are simple passive THRU connections.
The other two Link Out connectors are fault-tolerant active repeaters for the AES3 inputs. When the amplifier is on, they
actively repeat the AES3 input signal. If power is lost, an internal relay is switched causing these connectors to work as
simple passive THRU connections.
Switching the amplifier On
To turn on the amplifier, simply connect it to the mains power with the provided power cord. The time between power
on and passing audio is under 10s for analogue sources. Time is longer with Dante sources (about 22 seconds), as the
network is rebooted and patching remade. Once the device is on, it is possible to manually put it in standby mode. Further
information is detailed below in a dedicated section called ‘Power Off’.
Front Panel Controls
The front panel comprises a multitouch capacitive display (1), a rotary encoder with pushbutton (3), a power status LED (4),
and a ‘Back/ArmoníaPlus Callback pushbutton (5).
Users can select what parameters to control and navigate through the different display options and pages available, by
touching the screen, rotating and pushing the rotary encoder, or pushing the ‘Back’ button. Control of some specific
parameters, such as output level and delay, are only possible by rotating the encoder.
From the main menu (2), it is possible to access all the different pages from where control operations can be performed.
The Home page displays the amplifier’s output channels, their level, and the speaker presets assigned to them. From this
page, it is also possible to mute/unmute the outputs by clicking the respective loudspeaker icons .
Level & Delay
The Level and Delay pages allow the control of the amplifier output levels and delay times. Once in one of the two pages,
click on any given output and adjust the level or delay by turning the rotary encoder. When an output is selected, the white
LED behind the encoder will light up, indicating that the parameter can be altered. Note that it is possible to select multiple
outputs at the same time and simultaneously control their relative levels and delay. Selected outputs will display a check
mark next to the speaker preset name.
Clicking the ‘Set Step Size’ button on the top of the display, allows the selection of the change steps to be applied when
rotating the encoder, if finer adjustments are necessary. Level change steps can be set from 1dB (default) to 0.1dB, while
delay steps can be from 10ms to 0.1ms (default is 1ms). For the delay controls, it is also possible to select between metric
(m) or imperial (ft) systems.
Basic operations
>60 dB
>60 dB
>60 dB