AT-MGS-408 User Manual
4.4. Data Logging
4.4.1 Data Logging Overview
With an SD card installed, the AT-MGS-408 will log concentration, units of measure,
gas name, low or high alarm state, detector fault code and controller fault code,
every 10 seconds.
Log data is buffered for 10-minutes before writing to the SD card, so it is important
to use the ‘SD EJECT’ menu item before removing the SD card, this will write the
contents of the buffer and turn off data logging, so the card is ready to be removed.
Log data is divided into weekly files using the naming convention MGS408_LOG_
WEEK_XXX_OF_YYYY.csv, where XXX is the week number (1-52) and YYYY is the year.
The file format is comma delimited text which can be opened directly in Microsoft
Excel. Row 1 will contain a descriptive header for each column. The supplied 32Gb
SD card can hold up to 10 years of log data.
4.4.2 SD Card Requirements
The AT-MGS-408 comes with a 32 GB SD card installed, which can hold up to 10
years worth of log data. A compatible SD card will have 32 GB or less capacity and
be formatted in the FAT32 format.
4.4.3 Data Logging Menu
From the data logging menu the user can safely eject the SD card, turn logging ON
or OFF, view the percentage of free space remaining on the SD card, and view any
current or historical fault codes.
Figure 4-20 -
Data Logging Menu