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CAN (866) 766-3426 | aquascapeinc.com
The AquaBasin
has a Lifetime
Warranty against defective
materials and workmanship.
Contact the installer or place
of purchase if the AquaBasin
should fail. Warranty shall be
totally null and void in the event
the AquaBasin
is abused,
misused, or used for a purpose
other than for which the product
is intended.
• Run each lighting cable into the top of
the drilled cylinder and out through the
access panel (Figure 11). Be sure to
make all necessary connections outside
of the basin.
Add gravel
• Lay a bed of gravel or river stones across
the deck of the AquaBasin
to effectively
conceal it into the landscape (Figure 12).
Install an optional water fill valve
• To install a Compact Water Fill Valve
(#88006), drill a ¾" hole approximately 4"
from the top of the basin
(Figure 13).
• Follow the directions provided with the fill
valve to complete the installation
(Figure 14).
• If experiencing uneven water flow or
excessive splash off, the feature may not
be level. Level the feature from side-to-
side and front-to-back to ensure proper
water flow.
Figure 12
Figure 11
Figure 13
Figure 14