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CAN (866) 766-3426 | aquascapeinc.com
Installation Instructions
Select and mark out the area
• Select a location for the installation.
Avoid selecting a location that is an
unused area of the property. We
recommend locations near decks or
patios, so it is easy to sit and relax
next to the water feature. If possible,
make the feature visible from a regularly
used window or patio door to provide
enjoyment from both inside and outside
(Figure 1).
• Set the AquaBasin
in the desired
location. Then, using a can of brightly
colored spray paint, trace around the
basin to outline the area that is to be
excavated (Figure 2).
Excavate, level, and backfill
• Using the traced area as a guide, dig
the hole roughly 1" deeper than the
(Figure 3). The additional
depth will allow the basin to sit flush with
the ground once gravel is added.
• Use a soil tamper to properly compact
the soil. This will prevent any unneces-
sary settling during or after installation.
• Place a level on the bottom of the
excavation to make sure it is level from
side-to-side and front-to-back. The
base of the excavation should be soil
that is smooth, flat, and free of lumps or
debris. If existing soil conditions do not
meet these standards, add compactable
material such as sand to provide an ap-
propriate base for the basin.
• The AquaBasin
provides the option of
installing the Aquascape Compact Fill
Valve (not included) to automatically add
water to the feature when needed. If
installing a water fill valve, refer to page 6
for installation instructions. Install the fill
valve at this time.
• Place the AquaBasin
in the excavated
hole and use a level to make sure it is
level from side-to-side and front-to-back
(Figure 4).
• If the basin is not level, remove it and
correct the excavation until the
sits level.
• Thoroughly backfill the sides with sand or
dirt. This helps prevent any future shifting
of the basin.
Connect water feature
• The center hole of the AquaBasin
is pre-
drilled for single-fountain applications.
When install-
ing a single
fountain in the
center of the
basin, use the
center hole to
run the plumb-
ing (Figure 5).
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 5