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Thank you for choosing the Aquascape Dual
Union Check Valve 2.0.
At Aquascape, our
goal is to supply our customers with the best
valued products in water gardening. We hope
you enjoy your purchase. Thank you for choosing
Your Paradise. Our Passion.
Introduction ………………………………… 2
Contents ……………………………………… 3
Installation …………………………………… 3
Alternative Installation …………………… 3-4
Winter Application …………………………… 4
The Dual Union Check Valve 2.0 provides a professional
pump and plumbing connection inside skimmer
filter systems, as well as Pondless
Waterfall Vaults.
The innovative reversible fittings allow for universal
application. The Dual Union Check Valve 2.0 prevents
water backflow when the pump is not operating, while
the dual-union, tool-free design makes maintenance
quick and easy. The height is extendable for larger filters
and pumps.
Dual Union
Check Valve 2.0