Carbon Pre-Filter & Claryum
Post-Filter -
Change every 6 months
The carbon and Claryum filter cartridges are replaceable activated carbon cartridges located
in stages 1 and 3. It is recommended replacing these cartridges at least every 6 months. You
may need to replace more often with high water usage or high sediment level. Replacing these
cartridges timely will protect the RO membrane from high levels of chlorine and/or sediment.
As these filters build up with sediment, you may notice slower water output.
RO Membrane Cartridge -
Change every 12 months
The RO membrane is located in stage 2. This membrane reduces the dissolved solids and
organic matter. Most municipally treated water has a 7.0-7.5 pH, in this case you would need to
replace your RO membrane every 12 months. Membrane life depends on pH and supply water
hardness. Higher pH shortens membrane life by causing pin-hole leaks, and would shorten
membrane life. When output and water quality and production rate decrease, it is time to
replace the filter sump.
Remineralizer -
Change every 12 months
For the first 36 hours after the initial installation, make sure to periodically inspect
for leaks while the system is running and while it is turned off. If a leak occurs, shut off the
water supply, open up the filter faucet to release pressure from the system & contact Aquasana
Technical Support 866.662.6885.
If you are adding the remineralizer to a system that has already been installed, shut off the filter
faucet, turn on the water supply and allow the RO tank to fill up completely. Once the tank is
completely filled, flush & saturate the remineralizer cartridge by opening up the filter faucet
and allowing the purified water to run through the remineralizer for 3 minutes. The water may
come out cloudy during the initial flush.
*Filter life depends on water usage and water supply quality.
Faucet is not part of NSF Certification