1. Poor/Inconsistent Fogging Output
Inconsistent or spotty chemical coverage usually occurs because the fog volume output is
too high. Ideally, fog will disappear when fogging at rates near 3 GPH. To check for fog
volume output, refer to Maximum Pre-set Flow Rate (See
Page 6
Reservoir may be clogged. Fluid entering a clogged reservoir will spill out the back of the
blade instead of entering the passageways of the fan blades (also ref.
). To
clean, remove the blade assembly from the motor shaft and disassemble. Next, flush the
reservoir under a sink. Check and clear the passageways for each individual blade as
well. Reassemble and reattach.
It is possible for an air pocket to become caught within the plumbing. If you think this
is occurring, throttle the flow control valve to wide open a few times to expel any trapped
air. If the problem persists, check your pre-set flow rate valve (refer to page 6 Factory
Pre-set Flow Valve). The ORSM will automatically prime the feed pump, but if the pre-set
flow rate valve is in a fully closed position, the automatic priming will not occur, resulting
in trapped air and poor/inconsistent fogging output.
Consistency of fogging output greatly depends on the consistency of the cleaning
procedures (See Page 10). Check strainer, plumbing, and inside of tank for dried
sediment or clogs.
2. Blades Rub Against Venturi
To make a horizontal adjustment, loosen the 4 bolts (Part #56) at the base of the main
fan motor and shift motor side to side until centered. Retighten bolts.
To make a vertical adjustment, detach the housing by removing the 6 small bolts (Part
#54). Next, loosen 4 bolts (Part #52) and make necessary adjustments. Retighten bolts
and reattach housing.
3. Fan and/or Pumps Do Not Operate
Check voltage requirements on unit and electrical supply. Have a certified electrician check
for live receptacle, plug, power line, and toggle switch. If the fan works but the pump does
not, look for any loose connections inside the main motor's junction box. If there are no loose
connections, the pump is probably damaged and should be replaced.
4. Fan and/or Motor Vibration
If the fan unit begins vibrating severely, first be sure the blade assembly is fully engaged and
securely tightened on the motor shaft. Next, inspect the blade assembly, particularly the
ends of the blades. Look for wear or cracks - replace as necessary. Look for deposits of
calcium or minerals - clean and remove mineral deposits and/or calcium. Also, check that
the motor mounting hardware is securely tightened.