power on, pump will work according to the time setting cycling by week.
Blacklist setting under automatic working mode
Under automatic working mode, press
Button to get blacklist setting menu
showing below (Fig.13). Press
buttons to set the date and confirm
There are totally 45 days can be blocked. During these days, when pump is
under automatic
working mode, Pump will
stop working
Clean The Pool Manually With Filtration System
1. Connect the hose to the vacuum cleaner head
2. Position the vacuum cleaner head at the bottom of the pool
3. Fill the hose with water by using the discharge nozzle of our filtration system
4. Position the dual plate
We offer two plates for vacuum. Please put white plate first,
if the power is not big, please put the transparent plate again. if the power is still not
big, please turn holes in plates together.
5. And connect it the hose
6. Move the head of the vacuum slowly as you were moving a lawn till all of the pools
are completely clean.
7. The brush the wall
8. Take out the basket and clean it
9. Take out the active membrane