Set Up Instructions
5. Follow the filter media setup instructions on the
previous page. Remember to remove all media from
the plastic bags and rinse in tap water to remove
excess dust. The simplest way to do this is empty
the correct media into its basket and run tap water
6. Once all the filter media and the canister have been
washed and the sponges have been inserted into
the filter baskets place the filter media baskets in the
correct order (Refer to previous page) back into the
canister body. Ensure the arrows on the filter media
baskets and the canister body all line up. Fig 5
7. Ensure the filter media baskets are sitting flat on top
of each other. You will notice there is one basket which
is different to the others. This must be the last tray to
be inserted. Fig 6
1. Open the filter unit. To do this release the 2 clips
located on either side of the filter. Fig 1
3. Take the canister body to the sink. Ensure the area
is clean and free from detergents.
4. Remove the filter media baskets from the canister.
Fig 3
2. Lift the head unit off the canister body. To do so lift
the other 2 handles, this will release the seal and allow
you to remove the head unit Place it somewhere safe
where it will not be stepped on or broken. Fig 2
Fig 2
Fig 1
Fig 3
filter media basket handle
Fig 4
Fig 5
through it. Rinse the inside of the canister body in tap
water also, remember DO NOT USE ANY SOAPS OR
Fig 6