1. Product description
Following parts are included:
- Aquarium 50 x 60 x 50 cm
- Cabinet incl. cabinet filter system
- Turboflotor Blue 500
- Circulation pump Ocean Runner 1200
- Illumination aquareefLED
A timer, heating and a socket board are not included.
2. Set-Up of the aquarium
The aquarium can be placed directly on the included Cubicus Stand. Beforehand, the cabinet plate
and the lower surface of the aquarium should be cleaned to prevent the bottom pane of glass from
bursting through grains of sand or any dust particles.
First of all, the aquarium has to be cleaned with clear water.
Fig. 1: Filter chamber Cubicus CF
1. Circulation pump Ocean Runner 1200
2. Filter sponge
3. Skimmer Turboflotor Blue 500
4. Emergency overflow
5. Filter inlet