4.2.1. Programming via the clock
Fig. 2: Clock of the aquasunLED
The clock lighting can be switched on by the
light key (5)
. By the
menu key
, the individual
parameters such as time, programmes, percentage are reached that can be changed by
the + and
– keys.
programmes (4)
are pre-adjusted that can only be changed at the computer. By the
, the individual programmes are reached by pressing the
+ and – keys
. In the same way,
time (1)
density of light in per cent (3)
and the respective
moon phase (2)
can be adjusted.
The brightness of the pre-set programme can be changed by the
per cent adjustment (3)
. If it is
set from 100% to 50%, the density of light is halved. The percentages given in the programme are
not affected by it in detail. The entire programme is modified according to the selected proportional
Also, the data of the moon light control given in the programme cannot be changed by the clock.
However, it can be specified which moon cycle is to be present on a selected day. The moon cycle
covers 28 days for the sake of simplicity, which does not correspond precisely to the reality. If one
selects for example day 14, full moon is on the day concerned.
Fig. 3: Graphic presentation of the pre-set light programmes