The appliance is complying with applicable ACMA regulatory arrangements (Regulatory Compliance
Mark) and WaterMark WMTS 105:2016.
Trouble Shooting
If you need any assistance with troubleshooting please call Aqua Cooler service department
on 1800 AQUA COOLER or +61 2 9721 9300 or email [email protected]
1. No water flowing out of the glass filler or faucet
Possible Reasons
Mains water is not available
Check the mains water to the building is still
available. Check there is no isolation valves
on the plumbing pipework that has been
closed off preventing water being provided
to the chiller.
The faucet is faulty and is not letting
water through
Check with your faucet instructions on how
to troubleshoot a faulty faucet
2. Water is not cold
Possible Reasons
The cooling thermostat is turned
Turn on the mechanical thermostat controller to
desired coldness by turning the knob to “cold”
Power failure
Check if the power cord is properly plugged in or
if there is power outage
Cooling system failure
Please turn off the cooler and water supply. Call
technical service for detailed inspection.