2 . 0 I N S T A L L A T I O N
The following procedure is required to be followed for correct installation.
1. Before installation confirm the correct marking (rating, size and material) on the valve body and
nameplate. Ensuring the valve is suitable for service in which it is being used. The direction of installing
the butterfly valves is normally bi-directional unless marked with an arrow.
2. Body bolts and nuts on valve shall be checked and re-tightened if necessary in case loosened during
3. Remove valve end protector and ensure gasket face is free from damage. Tighten all bolts between
mating flanges and valve equally paying careful attention to properly tighten bolts. Ensure you rotate
tightening procedure (opposing bolts sequently) gradually increasing torque.
4. Prior to installation of valve, satisfactory flushing shall be done to pipe to remove debris as soft seated
butterfly valves are easily damaged.
5. Valves will operate at any angle horizontally or vertically.
6. This butterfly valve is bi-directional and may be installed in either direction.
7. Install this valve between any ANSI Class 125 or 150 flanges or any AS, BS, PN flange (provided the
rating of the valve matches the service rating). Cast iron, bronze or steel flanges may be used provided
they meet the pressure rating of the line. No flange gaskets are required as the liner acts as a gasket.
Rigid liners like EPDM often have ribs or in-built integral O-ring profiles to aid flange sealing where
8. The stem can be installed in any position, but if a choice of stem positions exists, good practice dictates
that the valve be installed with the stem horizontal. This will minimise liner wear by distributing stem
and disc weight evenly.
9. Valves should be installed with the disc in the closed position. This will prevent damage to the disc
sealing edge.
10. Before any flange bolts are tightened, valves should be centred (refer Figure 4 and 5) within the
flanges and then carefully opened to assure free, unobstructed disc movement. Disc interference may
result when valves are installed in pipelines having similar than normal inside diameters, such as
heavy wall pipe, plastic lined pipe, or as cast flanges. Suitable corrective measures must be taken to
remove these obstructions, such as taper boring the pipe or installing a spacer.
11. After proper operation has been verified, tighten all bolts using the crossover method. Recommended
tightening torques pattern is as shown in Figure 7. Gradually tighten more on each revolution.
12. Prior to installing the valve, it is important to make sure the ID of the pipe and the pipe flanges are
large enough to allow the disc edge to swing into the opening without interference. Damage to the
disc edge can severely affect the performance of the valve.
Australian Pipeline Valve - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Interference may also occur when butterfly valves are bolted directly to the outlet
flange of a swing check, silent check, or reducing flange. Check valve and butterfly
valve combinations are very popular; normally a short spool piece may be required
so the disc will not be obstructed by adjoining valve bores or mechanisms.