Spectral Response
Temperature Response
Mean temperature response of eight SQ-100
series quantum sensors (errors bars represent
two standard deviations above and below
mean). Temperature response measurements
were made at 10 C intervals across a
temperature range of approximately -10 to 40 C
in a temperature controlled chamber under a
fixed, broad spectrum, electric lamp. At each
temperature set point, a spectroradiometer was
used to measure light intensity from the lamp
and all quantum sensors were compared to the
spectroradiometer. The spectroradiometer was
mounted external to the temperature control
chamber and remained at room temperature
during the experiment.
Mean spectral response of six SQ-100 series
quantum sensors (error bars represent two
standard deviations above and below
mean) compared to defined plant response
to photons. Spectral response measurements
were made at 10 nm increments across a
wavelength range of 300 to 800 nm with a
monochromator and an attached electric light
source. Measured spectral data from each
quantum sensor were normalized by the
measured spectral response of the
monochromator/electric light combination,
which was measured with a
Slope = 0.06 %