First, check for obstructions behind your
chosen speaker locations. Drill a small hole
in the center of the area you plan to cut out.
Take a piece of coat hanger wire and bend it
at a 90-degree angle — insert it into the small
hole and fi sh around to make sure no pipes,
studs, wires or other objects are hiding there.
A “stud-fi nder” also works well to locate in-
wall structures you’ll want to avoid — they can
be found at hardware stores. If you do fi nd an
You’ve decided where the speakers will go — it’s time to cut some holes in your wall!
Step 2. Cut the Holes
Fig. A
obstruction, you can easily patch the small
hole you drilled. Otherwise, continue with the
following steps.
Position the template at your chosen speaker
location and trace along the inside edge. Make
sure you keep this line at least an inch from
any stud or fi rebreak so that the speaker’s
mounting system has the room it needs.
6-LCR In-Wall Home Theater Speaker
Removing the grill:
If you need to remove grills after
installation, the best method is to insert the supplied
tool through a grill-hole near the edge and simply
pull the grill out.
The grills are designed for a very tight press fi t, to minimize any chance of their vibrating or coming loose. To
install, slide each in place slowly, working your way around the edges. If you’ve painted the fl anges, take care
not to scratch the paint. If you fi nd the grills very diffi cult to install it’s probably because the mounting screws
are over-tightened.
Step 8. Install the Grills