Tank Ball Valve
OFF Position
ON Position
3. Point W - Drain water connection:
Tubing color: Black tubing. Connect the BLACK tubing from the RO to the Drain Saddle.
Fitting type: Simply push the Clear tubing into the Quick Connect fitting. No Inserts, Sleeves or Nuts
are needed to secure the connection. No Teflon tape needed here.
4. Point A - System water inlet (to Stage 1 pre-filter) connection:
Tubing color: Red tubing. Connect the RED tubing from the Feed Water Valve to the RO’s stage -1
Fitting type: Quick Connect fitting See
Fig. 10D (Page 13)
. Simply push the Red tubing into the QC
fitting. No Inserts, Sleeves or Nuts are needed to secure the connection. No Teflon tape
needed here.
5. Point H - Stage-6 FI-ES-TCR-QC filtered water to faucet connection:
Tubing color: Clear tubing. Connect the CLEAR tubing from the faucet base stud to the Stage-6 filter’s
end at
point H.
(See “
Flow -->
” arrow on the filter is the output to faucet at Point Z.)
Fitting type: Quick Connect: Simply push the Clear tubing into the QC fitting. No Inserts, Sleeves or
Nuts are needed to secure the connection. No Teflon tape needed here.
6. Point G - Stage-5 UV Light T-fitting connection:
Tubing color: Yellow tubing. Connect the YELLOW tubing to Stage-5 UV housing T-fitting.
Fitting type: Quick Connect: Please remove the End Plug first, and then simply push the Yellow tubing
into the QC fitting. No Inserts, Sleeves or Nuts are needed to secure the connection. No
Teflon tape needed here.
7. Point Y - Tank’s input & output connection:
Prepare tank: See
6-8 wraps
of Teflon tape to tank’s threaded Output stem on top of tank.
Screw tank Valve onto Output stem.
Tubing color: Yellow tubing. Connect the YELLOW tubing from Stage-5 T-fitting to the tank’s valve.
Fitting type: Quick-Connect fitting on ball valve. Simply push Yellow tubing into valve port.
Standard 4-gallon Tank Diagram:
Fig. 12
the Air Valve,
a pre-pressurized
tank, release or
add air will effect
tank normal