User Manual of WP-67 Water-proof Two-way Radio
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5. Confirm that the battery is brought into contact with the charge terminal. When the indicator turns red, charging begins.
6. After the battery being charged for about 4 hours, the indicator turns green, representing that the charging is completed. Now, the battery or
the two-way radio with the battery can be taken out.
Note: Make sure that this product is turned off during charging. The red light may flash continuously when the battery is put into the charger.
This is the pre-charge process of the charger for protecting the battery when the battery power is low. It is a normal phenomenon which usually
lasts for 30 seconds. Then the red light is on and the battery enters into normal charging state.
■Have an intimate knowledge of this two-way radio (illustration)
PS.: in emergency situation, press PF1 & PF2 start emergency alarm.