8. Lock Toggle
Locks the Discrete 4 sample rate so it doesn’t get changed by your DAW, operating system, or another influence.
9. Session Recall
Lets you immediately recall a previously saved session. The Discrete 4 Control Panel lets you save and export Sessions –
pre-defined configurations of inputs, outputs, levels, mixes, effects, and anything else relevant to your project. These
sessions can be shared between Discrete 4 users and stored for backup purposes.
10. SAVE Button
Opens the Save Session window where you can specify precisely which components of your project you want to include.
The Save button saves the current session. The Save As button lets you export the current session to a file for backup &
11. LOAD Button
Opens the Load Session window where you can:
• Load a Session file by clicking Browse and navigating to its location on your computer.
• Use the Load Last Session button to quickly recall your most recent work.
• Set Defaults
12. SETTINGS Button
Opens the Discrete 4 Control Panel Settings window.
The Settings Panel
Opens the Discrete 4 Control Panel Settings window where the following options are present: