System Description
The Lightning D series microwave and millimeter-wave Vector
Network Analyzers encompass a wide range of high performance
component and system test tools designed to address the growing
needs of defense, satellite, radar, broadband communication, and
optoelectronic component markets. The Lightning D series represents
the latest improvements to the ever-popular Lightning VNAs to
formulate a new range of Network Analyzers with more application
features and added options for higher levels of measurement
capability. These include Time Domain, Gain Compression, IMD,
Frequency Translation, Multiport, Embedding/De-embedding and
E/O and O/E measurements, in addition to fast and accurate S-
parameter measurements. Complete measurement solutions to 20,
40, 50 and 65 GHz are available in microwave models 37x47D,
37x69D, 37x77D, and 37x97D, respectively.
Standard Features
Measurement Parameters:
S11, S21, S22, S12
User-defined combinations of a1, a2, b1, and b2.
Frequency Domain, CW Draw, and optional High Speed
Time (Distance) Domain.
Graph Types:
Log Magnitude, Phase, Log Magnitude and Phase,
Smith Chart (Impedance), Smith Chart (Admittance), Linear Polar,
Log Polar, Group Delay, Linear Magnitude, Linear Magnitude and
Phase, Real, Imaginary, Real and Imaginary, SWR and Power Out.
Data Points:
1601 maximum or N discrete data points
where 2 ≤N ≤1601.
Limits Lines:
Either single or segmented limit lines can be displayed.
Two limit lines are available for each trace.
Single Limit Readouts:
Interpolation algorithm determines the exact
intersection frequencies of test data and limit lines.
Segmented Limits:
A total of 20 segments (10 upper and 10 lower)
can be generated per data trace. Complete segmented traces can
be offset in both frequency and amplitude.
Test Limits:
Both single and segmented limits can be used for
PASS/FAIL testing. The active channel's PASS or FAIL status is
indicated on the display after each sweep. In addition, PASS/FAIL
status is output through the rear panel I/O connector as selectable
TTL levels (PASS = 0V, FAIL = +5V or PASS = +5V, FAIL = 0V).
Tune Mode:
Tune Mode optimizes sweep speed in tuning
applications by updating forward S-parameters more frequently
than reverse ones. This mode allows the user to select the ratio of
forward sweeps to reverse sweeps after a full 12-term calibration.
The ratio of forward sweeps to reverse sweeps can be set
anywhere between 1:1 and 10,000:1.
Data Averaging:
Point-by-point (default) {up to 4096}
IF Bandwidth:
10 kHz – 10 Hz
Reference Plane:
Can be entered in time or in distance (when the
dielectric constant is entered). Automatic reference plane feature
adds the correct electrical length (delay) compensation. Software
compensation for the electrical length difference between reference
and test is always accurate and stable since measurement
frequencies are always synthesized. In addition, the system
compensates reference phase delay for dispersive transmission
media, such as waveguide and microstrip.
Measurement Frequency Range:
Frequency range of the
measurement can be narrowed within the calibration range without
recalibration. CW mode permits single frequency measurements,
also without recalibration.
Group Delay Aperture:
Defined as the frequency span over which
the phase change is computed at a given frequency point. The
aperture can be changed without recalibration. The minimum
aperture is the frequency range divided by the number of points in
calibration and can be increased to 20% of the frequency range
without recalibration.
Measurement Channels:
Four independent channels are available
to display any S-parameter or user defined parameter, in any
format, with up to two traces per channel for a maximum of eight
traces simultaneously. A single channel, two channels (1 and 3, or
2 and 4), or all four channels can be displayed simultaneously.
Channels 1 and 3, or channels 2 and 4 can be overlaid.
Color LCD, 8.5" diagonal.
Display Colors:
The color of data traces, memory, text, markers
and limit lines are all user definable.
Trace Overlay:
Displays two data traces on the active channel's
graticule simultaneously.
Trace Memory:
A separate memory for each channel can be used
to store measurement data for later display or subtraction,
addition, multiplication or division with current measurement data.
Group Delay Range:
The maximum delay range is limited to
measuring no more than +180° of phase change within the
aperture set by the number of frequency points.
Scale Resolution (minimum per division):
Log Magnitude
0.001 dB
Linear Magnitud
1 pU
Group Delay
0.001 ps
0.001 ms
0.1 µm
1 pU
0.01 dB
Six independent markers can be used to read out
measurement data.
Delta Marker:
One marker can be selected as the reference for
the other five.
Enhanced Markers:
Marker search feature can be used for
finding a level or bandwidth on the active channel.
Marker Sweep:
Sweeps upward in frequency between any two
markers. Recalibration is not required during the marker sweep.