888.535.5005 tel
Assembly InstructIons
Round Picnic Table
Square Picnic Table
Round Picnic Table
tools neeDeD:
Ratchet with 1/2” Socket
1/2” Open End or Box End Wrench
Phillips Screwdriver
Rubber Mallet
8 x
8 x
5/16 X 1.25” Hex Hd Bolt
The assembly is a two-person operation.
1. Inspect the shipping container contents for damage and to determine that all components and hardware are present.
2. Assemble the Table over the shipping packaging or padded work area to avoid scratching the product.
NOTE: Before assembling the Nuts to the Bolts, it is recommended that a light oil or petroleum jelly be applied to the screw threads.
tAble components:
1 x Cross Brace
4 x Table Top Support
1 x Table Top
Assembly HArDwAre:
5/16” Flat Washer
F1147 model shown
Table Top shape may vary
12 x
5/16” Flanged Nut
4 x
5/16 X 2.50” Screw
Table Top
Flanged Nut
Flat Washer
1.25” Long Bolt
Flat Washer
Table Top Support
3. Place the Table Top upside down on the shipping cardboard or other soft surface.
4. Position one of the Table Top Supports next to the mounting flange of the Table Top. Align the mounting holes in the Support with
the mounting holes in the flange. Install a Flat Washer on one of the 1.25” long Hex Head Bolts and insert the Bolt through one of
Shipping cardboard or
other soft surface
Table Top Support
Table Top Flange
the mounting holes in the Table Top mounting
flange and into the mounting hole in the Table Top
Support. Place a Flat Washer and Flanged Nut on
the end of the Bolt and tighten finger tight.
5. Install another 1.25” Bolt with Flat Washer through
the other set of mounting holes and secure it with a
Flat Washer and Flanged Nut.
Leave the hardware finger tight so adjustments can
be made during assembly.