The following parts are unscrewed or damaged
a) The pump suction connector (1-47)
a) Check if some tightening are loosened
with the suction pipe
and tighten them.
b) The suction connector (1-47)
b) Put some adhesive and tighten.
c) The lower adaptor (1-46)
c) Tighten.
d) The suction hose set
d) If the suction hose set is damaged (it sucks
air), replace it.
The pressure regulator, the recirculation two-way Open the pressure regulator and then the gun
valve and the gun are closed?
and the recirculation two-way valve
The pump works, The following parts are clogged with some
but the fluid
solidified paint residues?
does not
a) The paint filter fluid filter
a) Clean and replace the filter.
come out
b) The suction filter
b) Clean and replace the filter.
c) The suction hose set
c) Remove the solidified part.
d) All the pump fluid passages
d) Remove the solidified part.
e) All the paint regulator fluid passages
e) Remove the solidified part. [#]
The upper and lower balls are stuck?
Clean the surfaces and release them. [#]
The following parts are damaged or worn
a) The ball seats (delivery and suction valves)
a) Replace them. [#]
b) The balls (1-19)
b) Replace them. [#]
c) The O rings of each ball seat
c) Replace them. [#]
d) The PTFE diaphragms
d) Replace them. [#]
The following parts are unscrewed or damaged?
a) The pump suction connector (1-47)
a) Check the loosened tightening and tighten
with the suction pump
b) The suction connector (1-47)
b) Put some adhesive and tighten.
The outgoing
c) The lower adaptor
c) Tighten.
paint contains
d) The suction hose set
d) If the suction hose set is damaged (it sucks
some air.
air), it must be replaced.
The nuts at the rod ends are loosened?
Tighten them. [#]
The following parts are damaged?
a) Diaphragms
a) Replace them. [#]
b) The O rings (1-30) between the
b) Replace them. [#]
PTFE diaphragm and the diaphragm seat