The sea water strainer is the plastic cylinder with hoses, located aft and above the engine under the wood
pull out panel in the aft stateroom, starboard side. It should be checked daily, as it can clog with seaweed
and other debris. To check the strainer, shine a flashlight through the plastic housing. If debris is visible it
will have to be removed.
To clear debris from the strainer, close the thru-hull valve located aft of the strainer under the mattress.
Unscrew the plastic lid on the cylindrical housing holding the strainer. Be careful not to lose the rubber O-
ring. Rinse the strainer and plastic lid and replace them with the O-ring in place. Do not fully tighten
initially because the air needs to be removed. Slowly
open the thru-hull valve and allow the air in the plastic
bulb to escape. When the air has escaped, tighten the
plastic lid by hand and observe for leaks. The continued
supply of seawater is critical to the operation of the
Set both battery selector switches to the
(See battery section for additional information related
to the battery selector switch). The battery selector
switch is located in the aft cabin.
Place the throttle/shift lever in low/neutral (straight up
and centered). Push in the red button located on the
throttle lever to disengage the linkage to the transmission, then move the throttle forward about one third.
There is a natural stop at this setting. Turn the start
switch to the ON position. You will hear the audible
alarm sound. Turn the switch to the start position until
engine starts.
When starting cold, allow the engine to warm up at an
idle for TEN MINUTES prior to applying a load. If
load is applied before the engine warms it may seize.
Normal idle speed is 800 to 1000 RPM.
Be sure the audible alarm is not sounding. It should
stop when the engine starts.
NOTE: Do not hold the switch for more that FIFTEEN
SECONDS at a time. If the engine does not start the
first time, wait a few seconds before trying again.
Please remember NEVER TURN THE KEY OFF
serious alternator damage. It should always remain on
when the engine is running. Engine alarms will not work
when the key is off.
While the engine is warming, check for water exiting the
exhaust, aft starboard hull. You may not be able to see the
water, but you should be able to hear it exit with the