analogue solutions
e&oe (c) 5-3-09
(Semblance Modular)
Telemark provides exactly the same features as the Semblance, but with the addition
of 'modular synth' patch points.
Details unique to Telemark are listed here.
The unit is rack mountable using rack ears that can be screwed to the sides.
Alternativbely the unit can sit on a table top and is angled back.
It may be possible that we will provide optional wooden side panels that can be at-
tached to give the unit even more of a vintage look. If these become available, prices and
details will be on the Telemark web page.
Rear Panel Sockets
The main audio out is on the rear panel as with the Semblance, but the two additional
jacks a routed differently. The rear panel sockets EXT5 and EXT6 are hard wired audio
input sockets that are fed directly into the VCF to allow signal processing.
Front Panel
The left section (with the knobs) is identical to Semblance with the exception of the
switch selections EXT1 and EXT2 that are found on Semblance. On Telemark these switch
positions route signals that are patched into the patch panel. There are four signals on
Telemark that can be selected; EXT1, EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4. These route signals to
VCO1/2 modulation, Filter modularion and an audio input to the mixer, via jack sockets
on the patch panel.
Patch Panel
Telemark is internally hard wired (pre-patched) just like Semblance. Using the patch
points will not disconnect any internal connections. People use the term 'modular synth'
a bit too loosely sometimes, often using it to describe any synth that has some additional
jack sockets.
I like to think an accurate classification of Telemark as a 'semi-modualar' synth in
that you can re-route signals and introduce external circuits, but is not fully modular as
the internal circuits cannot be swapped, removed or new ones added.
The concept of a semi-modular synth is good because you do not need to do any
patching to get a good sound. The front panel rotary switches provide a large combina-
tions of possible internal patching. Some further patches can then be done using the
patch points.
Telemark is a MIDI synth, but can just as easily be used entirely from an analogue
sequencer. An ideal partner would be our Oberkorn sequencer. Telemark's envelopes
can be triggered individually from Oberkorn's two gate trigger outputs, and the two VCOs
can be controlled from separate sequencer CV outputs.
The patch sockets are clearly labelled and hold no secrects. If you have a basic knowl-