Quick Start Guide
Rev. A | Page 5 of 8
Figure 8
To begin streaming the data into the AD9789, press the Download button (
), and then the Play button (
). On the spectrum
analyzer, the first carrier (at 834 MHz) should disappear, with a 6MHz wide channel of data in its place. This is the random data from the
vector file being mapped into symbols by the QAM Mapper inside the AD9789.
This section discusses several parts of the SPI controller interface, as they affect this evaluation system. For complete descriptions of each
SPI register, see the AD9789 datasheet. In the interest of continuous quality improvements, the images below may not exactly match your
version of the software.
SPI Setup and Reset/Power Down
This section allows for changing the SPI format, as well as soft resetting and powering down the
AD9789. Do not change the SDIO_DIR or LSB_FIRST controls. Changing these bits will make the
USB hardware unable to communicate with the AD9789. If these bits become set, a hard reset (power
cycle) will be required to restore their original settings.
Interrupt Request Controls
These controls enable and disable the various interrupts available on the AD9789. These settings will
not affect the evaluation system, although the LOCK and LOCKLOST indicators are useful when
debugging clock issues.
Interface Control
These controls affect the interface between the AD9789 and the DPG2. The DCO_INV switch should
stay off. The I/F_MODE switch selects between Channelizer Mode and QDUC Mode. When
changing this switch, be sure to select the correct tab in DPGDownloader.
The CHANRPI switch affects the order in which the AD9789 expects the data for each channel
(Channelizer Mode only). When this switch is high, all four channels in DPGDownloader need to be
enabled. Channels that are turned off in the SPI controller should be set to
as the vector in
DPGDownloader. When this switch is low, only the channels that are enabled in the SPI controller
should be enabled in DPGDownloader.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11